Aes grave. A study of the cost coinages of Rome and central Italy Scarica PDF EPUB

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Aes grave. A study of the cost coinages of Rome and central Italy

Scarica Libri PDF

Scarica Libri EPUB
Titolo: Aes grave. A study of the cost coinages of Rome and central Italy

Autore: Edward Sydenham

Editore: Forni


Anno edizione:

EAN: 9788827112809

Aes grave. A study of the cost coinages of Rome and central Italy è un libro di Edward Sydenham pubblicato da Forni : acquista su IBS a 77.90€! Accedi. Sei
Aes Grave. A Study Of The Cost Coinages Of Rome And Central Italy è un libro di Sydenham A study of the cost coinages of Rome and central Italy sydenham
Aes grave. A study of the cost coinages of Rome and central Italy, Libro di Edward Sydenham. Spedizione con corriere a solo 1 euro. Acquistalo su Aes grave. A study of the cost coinages of Rome and central Italy - Edward Sydenham - Libri Iscriviti a
9788827112809 Aes grave. A study of the cost coinages of Rome and central Italy. Aes grave. A study of the cost coinages of Rome and central Italy (Edward
Trova le offerte migliori per Aes Grave 9788827112809 Aes grave. A study of the cost coinages of Rome LAC Domitian. AD 81-96. Æ Quadrans. Rome mint
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Aes "aes librale (asse l'asse in latino è as, assis. Aes grave Aes grave. A study of the cost coinages of Rome and central Italy.