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Titolo: «Armine... thou art a foole and knaue». The Fools of Shakespeare's Romances
Autore: Alice Equestri
Editore: Carocci
Anno edizione: 2016
EAN: 9788843080717
Shakespeare’s romances are hybrid and experimental texts displaying tragedy, comedy and wonder. The place of laughter in such peculiar plays thus offers an engaging research topic. The book constitutes an in-depth analysis of the star clown parts given to the actor Robert Armin in Pericles, Cymbeline, The Winter’s Tale and The Tempest and addresses a series of issues: how much of the Armin persona, outlook and acting style is present in the characters? What social, historical and cultural themes do they bring into play? What is their role within the texts? Is the way they raise laughter ambiguous, just as the nature of the texts themselves? How was Shakespeare influenced by earlier comic traditions? The book shows how a handful of usually neglected “fool” characters embody original ways of staging comedy and corroborate the meaning of collaboration in Shakespeare’s company. thou art a foole and knaue». The Fools of Shakespeare's Romances è un «Armine thou art a foole and knaue Shakespeare’s romances are hybrid«Armine thou art a foole and knaue». The Fools of Shakespeare's Romances, «Armine thou art a foole and knaue». The Fools of Shakespeare's Romances Armine Thou Art A Foole And Knaue. ARMINE THOU ART A FOOLE AND KNAUE. THE FOOLS OF SHAKESPEARE'S ROMANCES equestri alice Disponibilit Equestri, Alice (2014) "Armine thou art a foole and knaue": The Fools of Shakespeare's Romances. [Tesi di dottorato] Full text disponibile come: «Armine thou art a foole and knaue». The Fools of Shakespeare's Romances di Alice Equestri su AbeBooks.it «Armine thou art a foole and knaue». Alice Equestri “Armine thou art a foole and knaue". The Fools of Shakespeare’s Romances. Edizione: 2016. Collana: Lingue e Letterature Carocci (211) Lucca Sapiens Libreria - Via Borgo Giannotti, 247 - 55100 Lucca (LU) P.IVA e C.F. 02417120462 Registro delle imprese di Lucca - REA 223979 Capitale sociale i.v. 100 Acquista il libro «Armine thou art a foole and knaue». The Fools of Shakespeare's Romances di Alice Equestri in offerta lo trovi online a prezzi scontati su La "Armine thou art a foole and knaue" : the fools of Shakespeare's romances / Alice Equestri. Author: Equestri, Alice Format: Book Language: English |