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Concise grammar

Scarica Libri PDF

Scarica Libri EPUB
Titolo: Concise grammar

Autore: Nuala Tansey

Editore: Demetra


Anno edizione: 2008

EAN: 9788844035082

Un agile e pratico manualetto per risolvere rapidamente i dubbi grammaticali e linguistici. Spiegazioni ed esempi chiari, schemi per la coniugazione dei verbi, lo spelling di base: le ''pillole grammaticali'' essenziali per non avere problemi con l'inglese.

Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have
Directions: Rewrite the following sentences in the text-areas provided. When you are finished with each sentence (or, if you wish, wait until you've done them all
concise meaning, definition, what is concise: short and clear, expressing what needs to be said without unnecessary words: . Learn more.
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Writing Clear, Concise Sentences. Follow the principles below to write sentences that are clear, to the point, and easier to read. Use the active voice
Professional writing and training services to transform your written communicationsAre you confident your written communications are clear, concise and easy to
Provides an on-line resource for grammar and punctuation usage with lessons, quizzes, and an optional test to evaluate the understanding of the material.
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15/07/2010 · Learn how to write clear sentences by choosing the right words for your writing. Clear sentences are easy if you know the rules.