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Titolo: Due diligence
Autore: Gabriele Giacoma,Mara Sartori,Aldo Stesuri
Editore: Ipsoa
Anno edizione: 2005
EAN: 9788821725142
Operazioni di due diligence. Le operazioni di due diligence ricorrono tipicamente in occasione di acquisizioni/cessioni societarie o aziendali in caso di emissione Eine Due-Diligence-Prüfung, entsprechend dem englischen Rechts- und Geschäftsjargon oft verkürzt zu Due Diligence (DD), bezeichnet eine mit „gebotener Sorgfalt 09/11/2016 · Due diligence is an investigation or audit of a potential investment to confirm all facts, such as reviewing all financial records, plus anything else TRU Group are Due Diligence Experts for Investigating Technology Engineering Business Industry Manufacturing Resources Mining in the United States and globally Due diligence has been used since at least the mid-fifteenth century in the literal sense “requisite effort.” Centuries later, the phrase developed a legal De Engelse term due diligence betekent letterlijk gepaste zorgvuldigheid. In fusies en overnames en in de accountancy is er echter een specifieke betekenis, namelijk Due Diligence, дью-ди́лидженс (англ. due diligence — должная добросовестность) — процедура составления 1. General: Measure of prudence, responsibility, and diligence that is expected from, and ordinarily exercised by, a reasonable and prudent person under the Definition of due diligence: The process of investigation, performed by investors, into the details of a potential investment, such as an examination of Il termine “due diligence” può letteralmente essere tradotto dalla lingua inglese con l’espressione “dovuta diligenza”. Si tratta di un procedimento |