Enrivonmental law in action EU and China perspectives Scarica PDF EPUB

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Enrivonmental law in action EU and China perspectives

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Titolo: Enrivonmental law in action EU and China perspectives

Autore: Marina Timoteo

Editore: Bononia University Press


Anno edizione: 2013

EAN: 9788873958109

Enrivonmental law in action EU and China perspectives è un libro di Marina Timoteo pubblicato da Bononia University Press : acquista su IBS a 38.00€!
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Enrivonmental law in action EU and China perspectives, Libro di Marina Timoteo. Sconto 4% e Spedizione con corriere a solo 1 euro. Acquistalo su libreriauniversitaria.it!
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Enrivonmental law in action EU and China perspectives. A study in the framework of EU - China A legal and economic enquiry into the perspectives of EU-China
A legal and economic enquiry into the perspectives of EU-China A legal and economic enquiry into the perspectives Enrivonmental law in action EU and China
Enrivonmental law in action EU and China perspectives Towards a smart development. A legal and economic enquiry into the perspectives of EU-China