Esna, Edfu, Kom Ombo Scarica PDF EPUB

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Esna, Edfu, Kom Ombo

Scarica Libri PDF

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Titolo: Esna, Edfu, Kom Ombo

Autore: Giovanna Magi

Editore: Bonechi


Anno edizione: 1990

EAN: 9788870092431

THE TEMPLE OF EDFU [TEMPLE OF EDFOU, ANCIENT APPOLINOPOLIS,UPPER EGYPT] Published by F. G. Moon, London. March 1. 1847. Full Plate. deacidified.
Aswan and Luxor, both are the important tourist destinations in Egypt. Between these major cities, lie the legendary temples of Kom Ombo, Edfu and Esna. This
MTI-REISEN .für Menschen, die das Besondere lieben! Rundreisen, Individualreisen und Gruppenreisen 2017-2018 nach Ägypten, Jordanien, Sudan, Oman, Iran, Marokko
Esna (Egyptian Arabic: إسنا ‎‎ IPA: ), known to the ancient Egyptians as Egyptian: Iunyt or Ta-senet Coptic (Sahidic): ⲥⲛⲏ (Sne), which derives from Ta
The Temple of Kom Ombo located about 4Km south of the town of Kom ombo. It was dedicated to two Gods, Horus and the crocodile God Sobek, it was built by Ptolemy VI
Esna liegt im südlichen Teil Ägyptens am Nil, 145 Kilometer nördlich des Nassersees inmitten einer fruchtbaren Ebene beiderseits des Flusses, hauptsächlich aber
04/06/2017 · The modern Egyptian village of Esna, which was ancient Iunyt or Ta-senet (from which the Coptic Sne and Arabic Isna derive), was built in the area of
Temple of Horus, which is considered to be one of the most beautiful and preserved Temples in Egypt, edfu temple dates back to Ptolemaic times. The work of
03/06/2017 · Horus at the entrance to the large courtyard. The Temple of Edfu is an ancient Egyptian temple located on the west bank of the Nile in the city of Edfu
Horus è una divinità egizia appartenente alla religione dell'antico Egitto, fra le più antiche e significative del pantheon egizio. Il suo culto nella Valle del