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Titolo: Il Fox Terrier
Autore: Filippo Cattaneo
Editore: De Vecchi
Anno edizione:
EAN: 9788841256497
Fox Terrier Classificazione FCI - n. 169 nello standard ENCI del 3 febbraio 2010 Gruppo: 3 Terrier: Sezione: Standard n. 169 nello standard ENCI del 3 febbraio 2010 31/05/2017 · Fox Terrier information including pictures, training, behavior, and care of Fox Terriers and dog breed mixes. Wire fox terrier Other names: Wire hair fox terrier Wirehaired terrier Fox terrier: Common nicknames: Wire: Origin: England List of Fox Terrier Dog Breed Types. Bran the Wire Fox Terrier as a puppy at 4 months old. Smooth Fox Terrier Wire Fox Terrier Miniature Fox Terrier RAZA FOX TERRIER : Origen: Inglaterra Aptitudes particulares: Perro de caza Esperanza de vida:13 años Talla del macho:35 - 40 cm. aprox. Peso del macho: 7 - 9 kg aprox. Official website for The Fox Terrier Club, a UK National Breed club whose aim is to advance and protect the interest of the Wire Fox Terrier and Smooth Fox Terrier in Le nom fox-terrier (de l'anglais fox, signifiant renard) se réfère, en réalité, à deux races de chiens : le fox-terrier à poil lisse (smooth fox terrier en Le fox-terrier à poil dur (de l'anglais Wire Fox Terrier) est, avec le fox-terrier à poil lisse, l'une des races de chiens Fox-terrier Right breed for you? Wire Fox Terrier information including personality, history, grooming, pictures, videos, how to find one and AKC standard. |