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Titolo: Kind of intimacy (A)
Autore: Jenn Ashworth
Editore: Europa Editions
Anno edizione: 2013
EAN: 9781933372860
Kind of intimacy (A) è un libro di Jenn Ashworth pubblicato da Europa Editions : acquista su IBS a 12.75€! Buy A Kind of Intimacy by Jenn Ashworth (ISBN: 9781444762976) from Amazon's Book Store. Free UK delivery on eligible orders. 01/06/2017 · Types of Intimacy What is Intimacy? Intimacy is a process – not a thing. It takes place over time and is not stagnant. In fact, any kind of stagnation in A Kind of Intimacy [Jenn Ashworth] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A Kind of Intimacy is a sardonic look at self-help gone disastrously wrong. Get this from a library! A kind of intimacy. [Jenn Ashworth] -- "Annie moves into her new home bringing little else but her cat and a collection of cow-shaped milk jugs. Intimacy is a process whereby we feel truly seen, known by and connected to our partner,” said Jennifer Kogan. Although sex is just one aspect of intimacy, we often 17/05/2014 · APA Reference Tartakovsky, M. (2015). Nourishing the Different Types of Intimacy in Your Relationship. Psych Central. Retrieved on June 1, 2017, from A Different Kind of Intimacy will bring together for the first time a collection of performance artist Karen Finley's texts, performances, short stories, |