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Lifelong learning for inclusion

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Titolo: Lifelong learning for inclusion

Autore: Gabriella Aleandri,Catia Giaconi

Editore: Armando Editore


Anno edizione: 2012

EAN: 9788866772446

21/12/2013 · The Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) was designed to enable people, at any stage of their life, to take part in stimulating learning experiences, as well
Lifelong Learning Council Queensland is an unfunded, voluntary, non-government organization that promotes adult and community learning in its diversity of forms and
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Introduction. A rapid expansion of communication technologies and the burgeoning availability of information have led to increasing expectations for lifelong learning
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Precision Reading is a new, inexpensive, short, daily, research-based reading activity that quickly improves students' abilities in the following key areas.