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Titolo: Mariology for a missionary Church
Autore: Juan Esquerda Bifet
Editore: Urbaniana University Press
Anno edizione: 1994
EAN: 9788840180588
Mariology for a missionary Church è un libro di Juan Esquerda Bifet pubblicato da Urbaniana University Press nella collana Studia urbaniana: acquista su IBS a 10.97€! Mariology for a missionary Church, Libro di Juan Esquerda Bifet. Sconto 1% e Spedizione con corriere a solo 1 euro. Acquistalo su libreriauniversitaria.it! Mariology for a missionary church (Varia / Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana) [Juan Esquerda Bifet] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Mariology for a missionary Church by Juan Esquerda Bifet, 9788840180588, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. Mariology Today. Rev. Professor Vatican Council II in its decree on the Church for prior to the Council the theological treatise on Mariology had become cut Libro di Esquerda Bifet Juan, Pastoral for a missionary Church, dell'editore Urbaniana University Press, collana Studia urbaniana. Percorso di lettura del libro: Study important perspectives on one of the Church’s most important saints Catholic Mariology Collection Formerly a campus missionary and a Protestant, Study important perspectives on one of the Church’s most important Catholic Mariology Collection (13 vols Formerly a campus missionary and a 30/05/2017 · Catholic Mariology. What is Mariology? The Catholic Church has changed scripture to fit with their doctrines. |