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Titolo: Pontifex

Autore: Leon Battista Alberti

Editore: Polistampa


Anno edizione: 2008

EAN: 9788859603634

Home > Pontifex In Pontifex you design and test bridges. Pontifex uses a complex physics engine which allows the construction of many different types of bridges.
Etimologia. Pontifex (=pontem facere) significa in latino "costruttore di ponti", quindi il sacerdozio è esplicitamente romano, anche se esistono paralleli in altri
Der Pontifex (griechisch ἀρχιερεύς archiereus) war im römischen Reich ein sakraler Beamter (ungenau als Priester bezeichnet). Die Pontifices waren in einem
Home > Bridge Construction Set Bridge Construction Set is about building a bridge that doesn't break, although watching your bridge creation break and plunge a train
Dans la Rome antique, pontifex maximus (grand pontife) est le titre donné au grand prêtre à la tête du collège des pontifes. C'est la charge la plus élevée en
Il pontefice massimo o pontifex maximus era una figura della religione romana
Pontifex Certificatie is specialist op het gebied van (digitale) veiligheidsexaminering. Op 45 locaties verspreid over het land worden maandelijks open-inschrijvingen
Why Pontifex University? Our students come from different and diverse backgrounds learn more about they chose to study at Pontifex University.
Il Pontifex Maximus, presidente e rappresentante del collegio, ancora verso la fine della repubblica rivestiva il quinto posto del potere sacerdotale, venendo dopo il