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Titolo: Teaching accessibility and inclusion
Autore: Lucia De Anna
Editore: Carocci
Anno edizione: 2016
EAN: 9788843080878
The volume focuses on the relationship between educational accessibility and inclusion that are seen through the eyes of Special Education, with the valuable contribution of international experts. A large space is dedicated to reflection on training of specialised teachers in the processes of integration and inclusion in the light of the experimental research conducted. Particular emphasis is given to the construction of the expertise necessary to enhance learning for all students. Among these, we find skills ranging from the ability to cooperate and coordinate with the various actors involved in the processes of inclusion to creative and narrative skills or capacities in the use of technologies in an inclusive perspective. The text can be an important moment of deepening of teacher training and a boost to qualitative research to promote an inclusive school and society at the international level. With Contributions by Marta Sánchez Utgé, Véronique Poutoux, Antonello Mura, Silvio Marcello Pagliara, Marzia Mazzer, Pasquale Moliterni, Alessio Covelli. The Accessibility Conference - Becoming a Catalyst for Inclusion - Sessions, speakers, schedules, events and workshops - May 29 to 31, 2017The Circle of Inclusion Web Site is for early childhood service providers and families of young children. This web site offers demonstrations of and information about The Graduate School is organized into ninety-four major fields of study, or subject areas to ensure that students can define and pursue an individualized plan of study. An E2 visa is issued solely for the purpose of teaching language (English, Russian, etc), while the E1 visa applies to University Professors of English and other Free printable worksheets and lesson plans for every busy teacher. Find printable worksheets on any topic: vocabulary, grammar, listening, reading, writing and speaking! Welcome. Welcome to the Department of Psychology at Texas A&M University! Our faculty members share two common goals: to train outstanding doctoral-level research Henoc Preciado and Denice Vélez accept the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion award for their work on the Immigration Legal Clinic. Accessibility and Classroom Layout: When you are expecting to have a child with orthopedic impairment in the class, consider the accessibility of the classroom. Inclusion is about ALL of us Inclusion is about living full lives - about learning to live together. Inclusion makes the world our classroom for a full life. |