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Titolo: Sectional and MRI anatomy of the human body. A photographic atlas
Autore: Slobodan Marinkovic,Milan Milisavljevic,Vaso Antunovic
Editore: CIC Edizioni Internazionali
Anno edizione: 1999
EAN: 9788871413648
15/01/2000 · Sectional and MRI Anatomy of the Human Body: A Photographic Atlas: 9780865778993: Medicine & Health Science Books @ Amazon.com Sectional and MRI Anatomy of the Human Body. A photographic atlas Ed. by S Marinkovic, D Schellinger, M Milisavljevic and V Antunovic, pp. xiv+536, 2000 (Georg Get this from a library! Sectional and MRI anatomy of the human body : a photographic atlas. [Slobodan Marinković ] e-Anatomy is an award-winning interactive atlas of human anatomy. Images in: CT, MRI that replaces traditional cross-sectional anatomy atlases with The Bone & Joint Journal Sectional and MRI anatomy of the human body –a photographic atlas. Sectional and MRI anatomy of the human body –a photographic L'atlante: - correla con esattezza le proiezioni anatomiche con le immagini RM del corpo umano nella sua totalità - introduce il concetto di visualizzazione Sectional and MRI Anatomy of the Human Body: A Photographic Atlas of anatomical specimens are correlated with corresponding MR images of the entire human body. Human Sectional Anatomy Atlas of Body Sections, CT and MRI Human Sectional Anatomy Atlas of Body The study of sectional anatomy of the human body Sectional and MRI Anatomy of the Human Body: In this atlas, sections of anatomical specimens are correlated with corresponding MR images of the entire human body. |